A flexible system for flexible hunters

The most flexible silencers come straight from the woods. Stalon’s X-series not only deliver excellent noise reduction, but also creates unlimited opportunities with a modular front-end system. Because that’s how the X-series is built - and today with a new, even shorter, back part.

Three different lengths on the back parts and two lengths on fronts, that’s what Stalon’s X-series is built of. The opportunities of adjusting the silencer for your unique hunting- and shooting forms are endless. The X-series consists of our most flexible models, and it’s so easy to use our interchangeable system that you’ll be surprised by all the possibilities.

See all available models below.


If you want to use the modular system the most, we recommend selecting a back part at first and then a front-end. It’s possible to have two - maybe even three - back parts and one front-end, or the other way around. The threads are placed in the back parts and are adjusted to the weapon and its attachment. Our back parts are available in all the most common threads on the market, e.g., M14x1 and M15x1, amongst several more. On the other hand, the caliber adaption is placed in the front and is marked with a max. Caliber, e.g. ”Max cal. .30”. Most people know caliber 30 as 7,62 mm. If the front is marked with ”Max cal. .30” it fits perfectly for calibers up to 7,62mm, such as .308 and 30-06. But, we also recommend this e.g. .270, which is 6,9 mm and therefore too big for the smaller ”Max cal. 6,5”.


Being able to switch front-ends implied that the whole silencer can be adapted for a shorter- or longer front or even a completely different caliber than the front-end it was delivered with. In practice, this means that you can buy a, for example, Stalon X108 for your 6,5x55 marked ”Max cal. .6,5” and complete with a front 140 marked ”Max cal. .338”. This would mean that your 6,5x55 fits incredibly well for different types of moving hunt, while the front e.g. caliber .338 WIN MAG can follow to spot and stalk and has an excellent performance there.

You can buy an XE149 marked ”Max cal. .375” and complete with a front 108 marked ”Max cal. .30”. Your XE149 for caliber 9,3x57 would be perfect for spot and stalk where the silencer’s performance is the main feature. If you switch front and get an XE108, but instead of caliber 30-06 you get a silencer that’s really good in a combination of different hunting types. By using this method you can maximize the silencer’s areas of use and get the most possible out of one back part only.

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Our latest development in the X-series is Stalon XS, an even shorter back part for a smoother silencer. The same flexible system comes for the smallest silencer in the series. The combination is XS108 and XS149. XS complements the other models incredibly well with its extremely short back part of as little as 88,5 millimeters and matches weapons with a shorter barrel. XS108 weighs fantastic 284 grams and is a perfect choice for moving hunt and dog handlers. XS149 is slightly longer and weighs a bit more but reduces noise a few decibels better than the shorter model. It’s undoubtedly an excellent choice for you who like spot and stalk or want to use one silencer for several hunting forms.


All models in the X-series have varying lengths, weights, and performances adjusted for different types of hunting. It’s an enormously thought-out series, and the prime feature isn’t just the interchangeable front system - don’t forget the tremendous recoil reduction. All our silencers reduce recoil, but shooting with a Stalon X will make shooting something extraordinary. If you’ve felt unsure about the heavy recoil earlier, your experience will be better than ever.

In summary, we can point out that there’s nothing more flexible than the X-series. Being able to change front-ends and caliber is equivalent to unlimited options and is ideal for the hunter who enjoys several hunting types - or the hunter who wants to change the back part and front-end as much as possible.

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XS108 and XS149

Telescopic silencers for most calibers, from .222 to .45. For the hunter who wants the smallest silencer but doesn't want to compromise on performance.

Read more about Stalon XS108 >

Read more about Stalon XS149 >

X108 and X149

Telescopic silencers for most calibers, from .222 to .45. Low weight and excellent performance create a silencer that's an obvious choise for a well balances weapon.

Read more about Stalon X108 >

Read more about Stalon X149 >

XE108 and XE149

Telescopic silencers for most calibers, from .222 to .45, but fits best with more powerful calibers, such as magnum calibers. Excellent for hunters who want the best noise reduction.

Read more about Stalon XE108 >

Read more about Stalon XE149 >

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